Penciljam Bengaluru at 100 Hands Festival


October 6, 2024    
11:30 am – 1:00 pm


Event Type

We are drawing at a festival, set up by A Hundred Hands team.

A Hundred Hands is a Not for Profit Trust set up to encourage people to work with their hands and also to support those whose livelihood is dependent on handmade. The Festival of Handmade is the culmination of the work of  creator members of A Hundred Hands

We explore and sketch at the festival, focusing on the artisans and their crafts, as well as the experience of being at the festival

Things to carry for this session:

– A sketchbook/paper
– Pencils or any medium you would like to try out
– A portable chair/mat. If the location has no seating, we tend to sit on the ground
– Water (Food stalls are a part of this festival)

Once you reach the location, find a spot you want to sketch and settle in.

To connect with other participants, use our Discord community app.